Contact us
Welcome to our contact page!
If you have any questions, concerns or would like to make a binding reservation, please do not hesitate to contact us. Our dedicated team specializes in providing you with the best possible service. Please do not hesitate to fill in the form below or call us directly. We look forward to hearing from you and helping you with your request. Thank you for your interest in our castle.

Michael Freiherr von Freyberg-Eisenberg
+49 17634528645
Requests & bookings
Haldenwang Castle
Von-Freyberg-Straße 1, 89356 Haldenwang
You come from the traffic circle in the west and drive into the village of Haldenwang 89356 on the main road. Follow the main road until you leave the village to the east and pass the cemetery on your right. Immediately after the cemetery, turn right and then immediately half left onto a gravel path in the forest. After approx. 300 meters turn right onto Von-Freyberg-Str. and drive down to the castle.
Contact form
Thank you for your interest in our castle! Please fill out the following form to ask us your questions, get information about our availability. We look forward to helping you and welcoming you to our castle soon